July 19th, 2014
We haven’t talked much about the fact that we’re in Brussels. It’s a three-city tour and we’re here for 10 days. That’s our street above. It’s quite magical, really.
Several people have asked, “Why Brussels?” And the truth is, “because someone there wanted to swap with us.” But it’s actually a beautiful city. Plus, because of our work schedule, we only have a few hours per day to go see anything, so I think it works out perfectly. There aren’t a lot of touristy things to see – the Atomium is just around the corner, the Palace area, and we went to the Musical Instruments museum yesterday (see Vanessa’s post) – but we love just being in a new place and eating new foods (not mayonnaise on our fries, mind you), and seeing people living their lives outside of our bubble. If someone else was touring Europe on vacation, I don’t think I would suggest a whole week and a half in Brussels. But if someone was doing their “Work from home” thing from a swapped home, Brussels is as cool a place as any.
All that said, today we’re heading to Bruges for the weekend on several people’s recommendation. It looks beautiful, so I’m psyched.